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Passive gay receives his first cock


The first time is always difficult, and even more so for this passive boy who organized a date with a stranger, arriving at the date and greeted with a brusque greeting, and even more brusque when I take him to the apartment, where this stranger boy kicks him. He lies on the bed, and begins to undress him, and strips his buttocks, opening them and spitting on his ass, and then begins to insert a finger, and then inserts two fingers while continuing to fill his orifice with saliva. I imagine that he is dilating his sphincter to prepare him with a hard fuck.

The violent date continues and now she forces him to suck his cock, and then he finally begins to destroy her virgin ass. Penetrating his entire cock into his ass, squeezing very easily, in part it is because he prepared her ass by dilating her anus before fucking her ass.

Actors: Kotly / Paul

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